Wednesday, 21 December 2011

《華麗的挑戰》 Skip-Beat

wohooooo~ 真人版的  已播出!!
他们可是风靡全亚洲的韩国巨星- Super Junior M 的 Si Won 始源 和 Lee Dong Hae 東海 !!!
他们也因此很努力的再学习中文  =]


Friday, 2 December 2011

Outings with Friends!!!

12th November 2011

On Saturday, my friends and I went to Midvalley to shop.. That day is really fun!! 
That is also the first time Jie yan went out with us!
First thing of that day, we have our bruch at "Canton-I". The food is really tasty especially their porridge and Hong Kong milk tea.
And we shop for the whole afternoon!!!
It really great to go out with you girls!!!

                                   27th November 2011

On 27th November (Sunday), My friends and I went to Midvalley once again!!
This time, we wanted to watch "Twilight Saga- Breaking Dawn Part 1".We have our ticket booked earlier before the movie !! wohooooo~ ^__^ The movie is really nice!! But the saddest part is when at the climax, the movie ended~ T__T    Therefore, my friends and I promise that we will come and watch the Part 2 again!! We ate our dinner at Pasta Zamai before went back to Campus!! 
Life is Great !!!

2nd December 2011

On 3rd of December (Saturday) is my friend Florence's 18th birthday!!
But we celebrated her birthday a day before her birthday. 
This time I as the Event Planner come out with an idea that we treat her a dinner at a Korean BBQ Restaurant and bought her a Smurf Cake (she likes smurf).. hahahah~

This time Kyon and Wendy drove us to the  Korean BBQ Restaurant which situated at Jalan Kuchai Lama.. We really have a hard time, because on that day Semenyih and Kajang is flooded!! We had to take another highway up to that place!! But at last we manage to reach there which took us 1 hour longer than the suppose time.

Anyway we really have a great night that day!! And thanks to Kyon for taking us to that wonderful place!!!! <3
Once again, I would like to wish Florence- Happy 18th Birthday!!

Friday, 25 November 2011

回忆- 永远最珍贵!!

好想念大家一起打打闹闹的感觉 ,一起努力读书, 一起聊八卦, 一起逛街及很多很多很多!!!

回忆- 永远最珍贵!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

《夏日乐悠悠》 Love You You (2011)



从前有一渔夫 爱上了一个女孩,但女孩总是把心藏在海底, 渔夫这么样都打捞不到,只好把自己变成一位厨师,他试着把女孩的心做成一道甜点,好让他品尝的时候 感觉到女孩的存在。。”

一部最感人及浪漫的爱情夏日片~ <3

Friday, 18 November 2011

Victoria Station

Victoria Station
 上个星期, 我门一家去了Victoria Station 吃牛扒。。
那儿的布置可真是有英国的独特风味!!~ 太漂亮了!!
真是太好吃啦!!! ^^


五分熟牛排(medium)Victoria Steak

Grill Salmon

全熟牛排(well done)Mushroom Steak

Thursday, 6 October 2011

新社团 ^__^

今天学生会举办了 CS FAIR (Club and Society Fair) 来欢迎我们这些新生。。 我参加了韩国社团 (Korea Society),  IEM (Institute Engineering Malaysia)  JCI Youth UNMC (Young Junior  Chamber  Society  Youth  UNMC)。。

但最让我期待的社团是———韩国社团!! 我很想认识他们的文化习惯和学他们的语言(哈哈哈哈~ 说穿了,我只是想要认识多一点的韩国人!因为他们真的又帅气又漂亮)

在傍晚的6时, JCI Club  举办了 Member  Induction  Day 来让我们这些新人彼此促进感情。。然而 JCI Club 最让我羡慕的一点是他们的创办人是由当初的7个人来创办 (2009),然而今年的会员却将近200 个人 2011)。。好大的差别哦!! JCI 去今年的主题是 GOING GREEN-- UNMC GREEN WEEK!! 他们和 Nature Club Rotaract Club一起成功的将这个主题发挥在我们的校园。。 从此我校将不会利用polystyrene 来装食物, 而只会用Tupperware 来装!!有一位教授说过“We do not want to have garbage near our house” !!还有最让我佩服的是,they are engineers but they run business!!! 哈哈哈~ 

好期待下次社团的聚会~ ^___^

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


我的大学~  University Of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus

不知不觉我的三个月假期已经过了, 我也开始了我的大学新学期。 离开家里也快要三个星期了,虽然有点舍不得家里的温馨, 可是能奈何呢?(哈哈哈~说穿了只是习惯家里的 “饭来张口,茶来伸手” 罢了!) 我们终归要习惯不在父母的身边呀~  哈哈!!

但我总算能慢慢经适应所谓的 “大学生活” 了。。 大学生活不如中学生活来的那么轻松!!我们得很专心去听每个讲堂, 因为大学这里没有我们所谓的 “补习班”, 能在帮我们补习。 错过了这堂课,就是错过了, 永远“补”不回来!! 哈哈哈哈哈!!! 但是在大学,最好不过的是有一帮好姐妹, 会帮你一起忘记 “孤独” 二字!!

但是新的学期,新的希望, 新的梦想!!
希望两年后的梦想会实现!! ^____^